Moving outdoors to the natural habitat!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Reflections: Week 1 and 2!!

It has been a very interesting start to the semester. I wasn't sure what to expect. The star wars activity was a great way open everyone's vision and see a whole new perspective. Getting the blogs set up was a little confusing at first, but I think I'm getting the hang of it. I don't know many people in the class so I think this is a good way to get everyone familiar with each other. The second week, I really liked the quotes from the gardens, it was a good way to think in different ways about our environment, and what is good and bad about it, and what we can do to take our part in helping the environment. Getting our blogs up and going with gadgets and layout was a little tough at first but the more you do something, the more you get the hang of it. I'm excited to look back at the end of the semester and see all of the things we did that I had never done before taking this class. It will sure be interesting!!!


  1. I totally agree with you on not knowing many people in class and using blogs as a way to get familiar with each other. It's very different, but very cool! I like how you made a comment about looking back at the end of the semester to see how far along we have come with our blogs. Never thought of that, but it is such a great point. See you next week!

  2. I agree, getting the blog set up was confusing, but I feel like it has already gotten a lot easier! I'm excited for what this class has to offer and i cant wait to learn about environmental health. Its already way different than I had expected!
