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Friday, October 2, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 1: Greening the Ivory Tower: Improving the Environmental Track Record of Universities, Colleges, and Other Institutions

I chose Greening the Ivory Tower by Sarah Hammond Creighton. It talks about different things colleges and universities can do to make their environment more "green". It can teach staff and students strategies for "greening" up the place, if they have no experience in working on those kind of changes. They begin to focus on food waste, transportation, and energy efficiency at Tufts University where the author was a project manager of Tufts CLEAN!, which is a program that tries to reduce the environmental impact at the university.
I chose this book because, as a college student, I want to learn ways to reduce the impact on the environment, in the things I do. I want to establish habits that will be healthier for the environment and I feel that this book is a good source for it.
Here are some links provided where I found more information about this book:

The book has 9 chapters, 357 pages. For my first quarter of the book I plan on reading the first 3 chapters, then for each quarter after I will do 2 chapters each. I look forward to discussing what I learn from this book!


  1. I think this book sounds really interesting. Im excited to read about what you have learned from it!

  2. Yes, this book sounds cool! I'm excited for feedback from you on ways to "green" up the university, so that I can get involved with that. Very interesting book to choose, and I'm glad someone did in our web group!
