Moving outdoors to the natural habitat!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Reflections: Week 11 and 12

We started off week 11 by getting into 3 groups and looking up different terms that had to do with environmental literacy. We had to define them in a way that a young person could understand. It was harder than I thought it would be. Then each group sent it to the next for them to make adjustments. We then watched a video called The Story of Stuff. It talks about the production of things and how they get places, and where they go. It was very interesting! Then Dr. V brought in a few things for us all to look at while in groups and we had to make a list of things that they could be used for. It was so funny to see the things that people came up with! Very creative minds! We had our fourth quarter of our read 'n' seeds. It went by really fast!
Week 12 we started out with MckLinky Blog Hops and used our photo essays for the links. Using that, we presented our photos to the class and shared our stories of what they were about. I thought some people came up with interesting things! Then we talked about our letters to editors or letters to politcal representatives and what the letters should consist of. This semester is going by so fast, I can't even believe it's almost over!!

Share and Voice 7: Eco-friendly Bamboo

I thought this video was very interesting. So amazing that bamboo can grow up to one meter per day! I thought it was really cool that it is a UV ray protectant, and that it is warmer than wool! It would be fun to try some of the clothing sometime!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Eco-chic Lifestyle Change Week 9: Weekly Update


My SMART goal is to use a reusable water bottle instead of plastic bottles. It is very unhealthy for the environment and for me to be using plastic water bottles over and over.

"I will use a reusable water bottle 100% of the time 7 days a week."


I've been doing good still, remembering to bring it to work and school. I had it for my ride back up to Duluth after Thanksgiving so that was nice. One of the days, I worked at my other job, which I haven't worked at in about 2 months. I remembered to bring it to work with me, but I forgot to bring it home! I used my roommate's water bottle for the time being, until I could get back to the mall to pick it up. I have it back with me now, and I'm about to bring it to work with me again. Not the job where I will forget it though!


Things are winding down, and I'm still going strong. I'm happy I did this because I was always wanting to get a reusable water bottle, but didn't really have the time or motivation to actually look for one. Now all that's over with and I use it all the time! I'm happy about it!


I will be keeping my goal the same, and I will not forget my bottle anywhere! It will stay by my side at all times!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 9 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic With Amy.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Eye Opener: Photo Essay

For my photo essay, I decided to show things that I do to TRY and be a little more environmentally friendly.

Things such as unplugging things when they aren't in use. I didn't always do this, but I am slowly learning. I especially unplug chargers when they aren't in use, like phone, computer, and camera battery chargers.

Using up old plastic bags as garbage bags

Separating our garbage and recycling

Recycling aluminum separately from the rest of our recycling

My roommates and I are saving up all of our cans and are going to bring them to the place where they take aluminum and exchange it for money. We are going to use that money to help with our bills.

And finally, as you've seen from my SMART Goal, I use reusable water bottles. I have completely quit buying water in plastic bottles.

I also walk to and from school everyday, but I didn't get a chance to take a picture of it. It's great exercise, and I don't pollute the air with my car! Also saves a ton of money by not buying a parking pass or fuel as often.

This class has definitely opened my eyes to notice the small things I do and don't do that can affect the environment.

MckLinky Blog Hop