Moving outdoors to the natural habitat!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Share and Voice 1: Blog Action Day 2009: Climate Change

This year, blog action day is about climate change. The government seems to be trying to hide global warming from us and telling us it isn't certain. But the documentary by Al Gore titled "An Inconvenient Truth" shows what is really happening. So many glaciers and ice shelves are melting away and he even shows before and after pictures to prove it. It truly is outstanding. I'm so glad the nations are getting together soon to talk about it and try to find solutions. I sure wouldn't want to see what Earth will be like when I'm the age of my parents, and have my kids in school being shown what Earth used to look like before humans destroyed it.
I have made some changes to my habits, some of which include using a reusable water bottle that I have bought, instead of plastic water bottles. Plastic is polluting our planet and our oceans. I also plan on changing from using plastic bags at grocery stores, to using my own reusable bags. If everyone took action together to change some of their small habits, it can make a big difference to our planet in the long run.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed! It's the little habits that will help make the difference too!
