Moving outdoors to the natural habitat!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Reflections: Week 7 and 8

Week 7 we started out with an eye opener from the Environmental Working Group. It's a website that you can look up different cosmetic items and see what kind of harm they can cause, to humans and the environment. I looked up a blush that I own (don't use it very often) and it had an 8 out of 10 high hazard. I was shocked that something so simple as blush could potentially be extremely hazardous to my own health!

We then watched a movie called "Green". It was about people living near the Mississippi River in Louisiana and there was a high cancer rate. They blamed it on the chemical factories in the area, for exposing them to toxic fumes and getting into their foods in the gardens through the ground. It's outstanding at how many cases they had of cancer in the area! I got to read a few more cases in my book I'm reading for my read 'n' seed. The ones I read this time were mostly about pollution and air quality in big cities. Some interesting stuff!

Week 8 we started out with an eye opener titled "Junk on the Brain". We got to see this cool website of projects that people make out of things that seem to have no use anymore. Very creative! I liked it a lot.
Then we watched a documentary titled "Thirst". It was about privatizing water and people having to pay to use it. I thought it was outrageous. Water is a necessity for life. There shouldn't be a price on that.
After the movie we talked about our blogs, and the general things that needed to be worked on. Mine had a few things that needed improving, such as putting my longer posts into separate paragraphs so it's easier to read. It was a good discussion because it helped me notice things that I needed to work on that I didn't notice before!


  1. It's a good thing you don't use that blush very often! ;-) That was a very cool eye opener though.

  2. Its crazy how hazardous certain things are. It's kind of scary to think make up such as blush is so hazardous and we are putting it on our face!
