Moving outdoors to the natural habitat!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Reflections: Week 13 and 14; Overall Course

Week 13 we took a tour of Goodwill here in Duluth. It was so interesting to see all the things behind the scenes. They provide job opportunities for the disabled, and find a job right for them. It was so crazy to see all of the things they have in that one building that you never knew was there! The poor stuffed animals were squished to death! I thought that was funny, but sad at the same time. It was fun to see all of that. We finished up our read 'n' seeds for that week. My book was very interesting overall, and I'm glad I got to read it.

Week 14 we brought in our junk projects and then voted on who we thought had the most creative one. I thought it was really cool to see everyone else's stuff. For my project, I just took a picture holder that usually sits on my wall (that I don't even use to hang pictures) and put some cds in it which could turn it into a mirror. For the rest of the class, we just discussed what we learned and how we can apply it to our lives. The conversations were interesting, like the road rage drivers (which I am one). It was funny and interesting to listen to everyone's side of things. Super cool ideas and thoughts. We had to do our learning activities for our advocacy projects and complete the activities made by our group members. I thought it was a great way to learn about the other subjects.

Overall, this course was SUPER educational and very interesting. I don't know if I've learned more things in any class since beginning college. And this is my fourth year already. I definitely suggest this class to others in my field, and not in my major. It was a great learning opportunity and I think that everyone should take this class. I even talked about all the things I learned to my mom and how it really opened my eyes to new things that I had never known before. We learned many things, from Dr. V. and from each other. It was super interesting and I will definitely take away many things from this class.

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