Moving outdoors to the natural habitat!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Advocacy Project: How Safe Are Our Beaches?

PURPOSE: This learning activity is to educate others on the safety and quality of beaches at lakes we swim at and fish from. Poor water quality at beaches can alter our health, and can affect the fish we eat from these waters.

BACKGROUND: "In 2001, there were over 3,000 confirmed cases of infectious diseases" (Loon Commons). Those were just from swimming in lakes filled with these diseases. According to the Minnesota Department of Health, beach closures usually result from high levels of bacteria in the recreational waters. "Using data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, NRDC's report, Testing the Waters: A Guide to Water Quality at Vacation Beaches, confirms that our nation's beachwaters continue to suffer from serious contamination -- including human and animal waste -- that can make people sick" (Consumer Affairs). Duluth's own Part Point beach is listed as a Five Star beach, which is good for those of us who swim there!

INSTRUCTIONS: Read and analyze the three websites listed above and answer the following questions.

1. List at least 3 types of disease-causing germs that can be found in recreational waters.

2. Who monitors the bacteria at swimming beaches in Minnesota?

3. What are some major causes of water pollution?

4. What are ways that we can do our part to prevent water pollution at beaches?

5. Reflect on what you thought about this subject and what it means to you.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Giardia, Campylobacter, Shigella, Salmonella, e.coli
    2. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
    3. Stormwater pollution, sewage spills, natural resources
    4. Don't swim when you have diarrhea, don't swallow pool water, practice good hygiene, take kids on bathroom breaks and change their diapers, change diapers in bathroom, wash child thoroghly with soap.
    5. I never knew Park-Point was on the list for 5-star beaches! That is so cool! Being from the area and having so many friends with lake cabins I'm used to being aware of getting these types of diseases. The most common one is "swimmer's itch" that I hear about and it's really gross thinking about how you can get something like that! This was a really cool topic to do your project on, and it was a good reminder anyone can be exposed each time they enter the water!
