Moving outdoors to the natural habitat!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Reflections: Week 3 and 4

Week 3 we didn't meet for class, we just set up 15 min appointments with the TAs to make sure we had everything we needed and we were caught up in class. I thought it was very helpful, because I was doubting myself when it came to having everything I needed. Turns out I didn't and I was able to get caught up.
Week 4 we had an eye opener due and I never knew how much energy I used. Wayyyy more than I had originially thought. We started out class with a game where we each chose a question about blogging and had to answer it correctly to get a prize. The prize bag sure was interesting!! Very unpredictable! We then watched "An Inconvenient Truth". I had seen parts of it before, but not the whole thing so I was glad to see what I hadn't seen already. I really liked that he used graphs and visuals to show the changes in ways that PROVE what is happening. The pictures were shocking to see how much of the glaciers and other ice areas have melted! I sure hope the government does something about it soon, instead of trying to cover up what is happening. I sure don't want to be around to see the final consequences!!


  1. I couldn't agree with you more. The glacier pictures were quite shocking!!

  2. I agree with you, I was really surprised on the energy i used. Definitely a huge eye opener!
