Moving outdoors to the natural habitat!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Reflections: Weeks 5 and 6

To start off week 5, we had an eye opener from the CSPI website. It was amazing to see how much goes into the food industry and industrial farming and how harmful it is to the environment, and to the animals. I scored my diet using the amount of servings of animal products each week. I never knew that the things I ate were so bad for the environment, and just changing the amount of servings can be a huge impact on the environmental outcome.

We then watched "The Future of Food". It's crazy to think about the things that big corporations will do to take over everything and everyone. So many people's farms were taken over and they lost so many of their seeds and crops. I thought it was funny how they said that if things are genetically modified with their product, they own it. If a person was genetically modified with their product, would they own that person? I found that very interesting.

Week 6, we watched "Diet for a New America". I give John Robbins a lot of credit for not following in his father's footsteps and going in his own direction. He is leading people to healthier lifestyles instead of supporting an ice cream chain. Great work! We then worked on graphical headers for our blogs. I have a picture in my header, but I don't think it's a graphical header. I couldn't really find a program on my computer that can change the size of my picture so I just left it as is for now.


  1. Completely agree with you, crazy how people try and take advantage of others even if its morally wrong.

  2. John Robbins is really inspiring! I think it is really cool he didn't take over his fathers business and did his own thing!
