Moving outdoors to the natural habitat!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Share and Voice 2: Tour of WLSSD

For Dr. Tornabene's Community Health class, we took a tour of WLSSD. It stands for Western Lake Superior Sanitary District. It is located in West Duluth. First, we met in a conference room where a woman who worked there talked about the type of things that go on, and what they do with the waste, and certain materials you aren't supposed to throw away. Then for the tour, we had to wear hard hats and safety glasses. We got to see the chemistry lab where chemists look at the water to test it's cleanliness and we saw where the garbage trucks bring the garbage. It is then separated and stuff that needs to be recycled is put in it's proper place. There are also compost piles where they put old food and other materials to be composted. And finally they have a place where you can bring all of your items that you shouldn't throw away, like flourescent lights, paint, and other toxic wastes that shouldn't be put in the garbage.
I had never known that this place existed. I knew that they had sanitation places, but I never knew what they consisted of or where they were located. It was very interesting and a great learning experience!


  1. I've never heard of this place, but I'm jealous you got to tour it!

  2. I never new that existed either. I'm sure it was a huge eye opener!
