Moving outdoors to the natural habitat!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Share and Voice 5: Vegan Outreach

So, I was walking around the halls of school one day in between classes, and a student standing at the bottom of a stairwell was handing out pamphlets. I gladly took one and what was it about? Animal cruelty! I found it ironic, because we had just talked about animal cruelty in farms and production in class that week. The makers of the pamphlet have a website posted on the back. I checked out the website and it looks awesome. It talks about vegan foods and it has a guide to "cruelty-free eating". They provide recipes, talk about vegan health and plant based diets, talk about reasons for eating vegan, and so much more! I love salads and it looks like they have some great salad recipes on this site! I'll be sure to post about it if I try one!


  1. That is very ironic! All this diet talk makes me wonder if I should change up my own!

  2. The past few weeks I have caught myself eating less and less red meats. I the book I am reading talks about being a vegan, and it is really interesting to read about a vegans perspective.
