Moving outdoors to the natural habitat!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Reflections: Week 9 and 10

We started week 9 off differently than doing just an eye opener. We began our advocacy project by looking up political representatives, what their position is, and how to contact them. It is always good to know who is representing us in Congress. During class we were assigned groups to discuss and teach about the readings that were due before class time, concerning advocacy and CHES Responsibilities. It was interesting to learn about, and to come up with an interesting way to teach about it! My SMART goal has been going good and I also read the third quarter of my book! It's going by really fast, can't believe we only have one quarter left!

For week 10, we had to have chosen a Healthy People 2010 goal and a bill that goes along with it for our advocacy project. Mine is about beach closings and reducing the number of closures due to sanitation issues. I'm interested to learn more about it! We then watched Unnatural Causes, In Sickness and in Wealth episode. It talked about how socioeconomic status and race affects resources and and opportunities for health. It was interesting to hear about, because not many people are informed about these kinds of things. Finally, we were introduced to our Photo essay eye opener. I'm still trying to think of something to come up with, but I'm excited to see everyone's final pieces!

All I can say is, this semester is going by very fast!!


  1. I'm in your boat with not knowing what to do for my photo essay, but it will be fun to see everyones!

  2. I thought that movie was really interesting also. It's sad to know that having a low income reduces your lifetime
