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Friday, December 11, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 6: Final Review of Environmental Epidemiology: Epidemiological Investigation of Community Environmental Health Problems


This book went through many aspects of environmental health from in the past. It talked about studies done about cholera outbreaks from water contamination, deaths from chemical leaks at plants, the quality of air, indoors and out, lead in drinking water, heat waves, drinking and driving, asthma due to living next to factories, and many other things. It was interesting to read about the findings of these studies. Some things they were able to figure out and cure or fix, other things took much longer to fix. It was very interesting and educational.


One of the things that I found the most significant was the "20 Minute Disaster". So much can happen in so little time, and we only have a limited time to think and act before we suffer the consequences. Many families died or were injured due to a chemical leak, and had almost no time to escape. It is something to learn from and hopefully avoid if it ever happens again.
Another thing that really stuck with me is the quality of water. So many things can be in our water causing disease and illness and we don't even know it. It would be nice to catch these things before they cause too much damage.
And finally, the study on drinking and driving in michigan was very significant. The changes they made reduced the number of accidents due to driving while drunk. If we could keep reducing the number of accidents, it could save many lives and save a ton of money.


It is important to learn from the past so we can prepare for a more healthy future. By doing studies like the ones explained in the book, scientists can find ways to ensure that we are safe, and make the changes necessary for that to happen. Outbreaks like the ones in describedin the book can happen again, and if we can catch the signs early enough, it can be stopped before too many people are affected by it.


I would recommend this book. It's beneficial and educational. It is a little old, but it's important to know things about the history so things can be learned and changed in order to make for a better future. It was interesting to read, but at times it was confusing with all of the statistics and numbers. Overall, it was a good read and I learned a lot from it.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome information, sounds like an interesting book! Good to know you would recommend this book!
