Moving outdoors to the natural habitat!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Share and Voice 10: PS3 Commercial

I think this commercial is outrageous. They are basically telling our kids to stay inside and play video games, instead of playing outside getting exercise. With our obesity epidemic, you would think they would be trying to get kids active and not stay in and play video games all day. I think this is horrible to advertise and should not be taken seriously by anyone. Sure, the dad seems a bit out of whack, but at least he's not influencing his kids in a way that will cause them to be lazy. I absolutely hate this commercial and cannot wait until it is not aired anymore.

Reflections: Week 13 and 14; Overall Course

Week 13 we took a tour of Goodwill here in Duluth. It was so interesting to see all the things behind the scenes. They provide job opportunities for the disabled, and find a job right for them. It was so crazy to see all of the things they have in that one building that you never knew was there! The poor stuffed animals were squished to death! I thought that was funny, but sad at the same time. It was fun to see all of that. We finished up our read 'n' seeds for that week. My book was very interesting overall, and I'm glad I got to read it.

Week 14 we brought in our junk projects and then voted on who we thought had the most creative one. I thought it was really cool to see everyone else's stuff. For my project, I just took a picture holder that usually sits on my wall (that I don't even use to hang pictures) and put some cds in it which could turn it into a mirror. For the rest of the class, we just discussed what we learned and how we can apply it to our lives. The conversations were interesting, like the road rage drivers (which I am one). It was funny and interesting to listen to everyone's side of things. Super cool ideas and thoughts. We had to do our learning activities for our advocacy projects and complete the activities made by our group members. I thought it was a great way to learn about the other subjects.

Overall, this course was SUPER educational and very interesting. I don't know if I've learned more things in any class since beginning college. And this is my fourth year already. I definitely suggest this class to others in my field, and not in my major. It was a great learning opportunity and I think that everyone should take this class. I even talked about all the things I learned to my mom and how it really opened my eyes to new things that I had never known before. We learned many things, from Dr. V. and from each other. It was super interesting and I will definitely take away many things from this class.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Eye Opener: Online Learning Activities

Advocacy Project: Arthritis Learning Activity
By Carrie's Environment

After reading the summary, please answer the following questions:
1. True or False? Arthritis only affects people 65 years and older?________

2. True or False: Arthritis can affect every day activities such as brushing your teeth?__________

3. True or False: Obese people have a greater risk of Arthritis?________

4. Arthritis Affects the____________

5. True or False? Arthritis is the most common cause of disability?_________

6. True or False? Arthritis is expected to increase by the year 2030?__________

7. What helps prevent arthritis? a) Eating Healthy b) Exercising c) Yoga d) all of the above

8. What percent of people with arthritis are not able to work within 10 years of diagnosis? a) 10 b) 20 c) 0 d) 50
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. Musculoskeletal System
5. True
6. True
7. D
8. D
I liked the topic because I never really knew that much about it. My joints are horrible already and I'm still very young. I wouldn't be surprised if I got arthritis eventually! It was very interesting to learn about!
Advocacy Project: Inform, Crossword Puzzle, Act!
By Rita's Realm


First, read through the information I have gathered from different sources that I thought may get your attention due to this disease. Second, go through the crossword puzzle and see how much you learned. If you get stuck on a question, go to this link to help you. Third, take some action!!


4 Type of surgery that can result in weight gain afterwards
5 Classifications of this disease
7 Adulthood obesity

1 Not the only determinant of this disease
2 Childhood obesity
3 This generation might be the first to outlive their children's generation
6 Epidemic in our society

4. Bariatric
5. Two
7. Hypertrophic
1. Genetics
2. Hyperplastic
3. Baby Boomers
6. Obesity
I thought this topic was also really great. This is a HUGE problem in our society, and as health educators, we need to take action to try and prevent more from happening. I liked the crossword, because a lot of these things, I had no idea about. It's crazy that we might not outlive our parents and grandparents! Hard to believe some of these things. Great topic Rita!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Share and Voice 9: 10 Ways to Go Green and Save Green

I found this cool website about going green. It's all stuff we have talked about in class, but there are so many people who have no idea how much the small changes they can make, will make such a difference. It talks about the simple things like unplugging things when not in use, setting the thermostat a little lower, taking shorter showers, using cold water to wash clothes (which I do automatically to help save money and energy), and it even talks about how to eat smarter and more fresh. I thought this was very helpful, and I think it would be helpful for those who aren't as educated on this topic as we are. Get out and educate!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Advocacy Project: How Safe Are Our Beaches?

PURPOSE: This learning activity is to educate others on the safety and quality of beaches at lakes we swim at and fish from. Poor water quality at beaches can alter our health, and can affect the fish we eat from these waters.

BACKGROUND: "In 2001, there were over 3,000 confirmed cases of infectious diseases" (Loon Commons). Those were just from swimming in lakes filled with these diseases. According to the Minnesota Department of Health, beach closures usually result from high levels of bacteria in the recreational waters. "Using data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, NRDC's report, Testing the Waters: A Guide to Water Quality at Vacation Beaches, confirms that our nation's beachwaters continue to suffer from serious contamination -- including human and animal waste -- that can make people sick" (Consumer Affairs). Duluth's own Part Point beach is listed as a Five Star beach, which is good for those of us who swim there!

INSTRUCTIONS: Read and analyze the three websites listed above and answer the following questions.

1. List at least 3 types of disease-causing germs that can be found in recreational waters.

2. Who monitors the bacteria at swimming beaches in Minnesota?

3. What are some major causes of water pollution?

4. What are ways that we can do our part to prevent water pollution at beaches?

5. Reflect on what you thought about this subject and what it means to you.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 6: Final Review of Environmental Epidemiology: Epidemiological Investigation of Community Environmental Health Problems


This book went through many aspects of environmental health from in the past. It talked about studies done about cholera outbreaks from water contamination, deaths from chemical leaks at plants, the quality of air, indoors and out, lead in drinking water, heat waves, drinking and driving, asthma due to living next to factories, and many other things. It was interesting to read about the findings of these studies. Some things they were able to figure out and cure or fix, other things took much longer to fix. It was very interesting and educational.


One of the things that I found the most significant was the "20 Minute Disaster". So much can happen in so little time, and we only have a limited time to think and act before we suffer the consequences. Many families died or were injured due to a chemical leak, and had almost no time to escape. It is something to learn from and hopefully avoid if it ever happens again.
Another thing that really stuck with me is the quality of water. So many things can be in our water causing disease and illness and we don't even know it. It would be nice to catch these things before they cause too much damage.
And finally, the study on drinking and driving in michigan was very significant. The changes they made reduced the number of accidents due to driving while drunk. If we could keep reducing the number of accidents, it could save many lives and save a ton of money.


It is important to learn from the past so we can prepare for a more healthy future. By doing studies like the ones explained in the book, scientists can find ways to ensure that we are safe, and make the changes necessary for that to happen. Outbreaks like the ones in describedin the book can happen again, and if we can catch the signs early enough, it can be stopped before too many people are affected by it.


I would recommend this book. It's beneficial and educational. It is a little old, but it's important to know things about the history so things can be learned and changed in order to make for a better future. It was interesting to read, but at times it was confusing with all of the statistics and numbers. Overall, it was a good read and I learned a lot from it.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Share and Voice 8: Eco-Friendly and Organic Gift Ideas

With the holiday season coming up, some of us might be thinking about getting gifts for our friends and family. This website has many gift ideas that are eco-friendly and there are some great ideas on here! My roommate does a lot of creative cooking, and on this website I found organic vanilla. Definitely something she would be interested in! There is a coffee cup that looks like a plain paper cup that you would get at a coffee shop, but the title of the cup even says "I am not a paper cup". I thought that was really cute. There are some interesting things on this website and some great gift ideas! Check it out!

Eco-chic Lifestyle Change Week 10: Overall Project Reflection


My SMART Goal was to use a reusable water bottle instead of plastic water bottles. I was tired of having so many plastic bottles around my house and in my room. I bought a reusable bottle to carry around with me to class, work, driving, working out, and for just around the house. My goal was: "I will use a reusable water bottle everyday for the next ten weeks". I didn't make any changes to my goal, but I almost bought another bottle to have for at work so I would stop forgetting to bring it.


I did really well with my goal for the most part. I always remembered to bring it to class. When I started my walk to school, I always had my bottle in my hand. Not in my backpack, but in my hand where I knew I would use it. It was tough at times, because I would leave for work but forget my bottle at home. I only forgot maybe 2 or 3 times, but even so, I would have to use a plastic cup to drink out of, which I didn't like at all. I may possibly get another bottle to keep in my locker at work, that way I don't have to worry about forgetting it at home!


Before beginning this project, I didn't really know much about plastic, and how bad it really is for the environment, and for my own health. Reusing a regular plastic bottle can have bad health effects. By using a reusable bottle, I save money, and reduce the amount of plastic being used and trashed on the planet. Although I do recycle, it is still possible for my plastic to get elsewhere.


I am most definitely continuing to use my bottle. It has become a habit and I'm proud of it. It is convenient, healthy, and simple. Something so small can change the environment so much. People see others making the trend of buying reusable bottles and it can influence them to do the same. I know it has influenced me!


My recommendations to someone making a lifestyle change would be to just keep with it. If you need to make changes, then make changes. Learn as you go. Educate and encourage others to change for the better. It really does make a difference!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 10 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Advocacy Project: Letter to Public Official

December 7, 2009
Senator Amy Klobuchar
United States Senate
302 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Honorable Senator Amy Klobuchar,

I am writing to you to encourage you to vote yes on H.R. 2093. This bill is working to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Clean Water Act). This amendment will require the EPA to use more specific criteria for monitoring recreational beaches, and the water connected with these beaches, for detecting pathogens that can alter human and animal health.

Waterborne pathogens that affect human health can include things such as E. Coli, salmonella, noroviruses, and “swimmer’s itch”. Noroviruses have the same symptoms as food poisoning. These kinds of illnesses can have a major impact on the health of individuals, especially the young and elderly, and those with weakened immune systems. A common way of waterborne illness occurring is from children with diapers, and fecal material getting into the waters. There can also be waters contaminated with mercury, which also infects the fish that humans eat. Most people don’t take the time to actually think about the kinds of bacteria that can be in water that they frequently fish from or swim in.

By voting yes on this bill, the number of outbreaks will be minimized and they can be caught early enough to take care of them before they infect large quantities of people and animals. The quicker the beach is closed, the quicker it can get cleaned up, and fewer infections will occur.

Feel free to contact me at any time, and thank you for your time and support.

Danielle Scandinato